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What hours will I work and how many days of annual leave will I have?
The standard full-time working week for NHS staff is 37.5 hours per week.
Overtime and annual leave entitlements are standardised across the NHS: 1.5x your standard hourly rate for overtime worked and 2x your standard hourly rate for Bank Holidays.
Your standard annual leave is 27 days plus 8 Bank Holidays. Annual leave entitlement increases the longer your service.
Will I be able to join the NHS pension scheme?
All NHS employees are automatically enrolled on to the NHS pension scheme. If you do not want to be part of the pension scheme, you can opt out.
What will my employer (Trust) pay for?
If you require a visa to work in the UK, the Trust will meet the total cost of the Certificate of Sponsorship and the Visa. Each Trust we work with provides either a relocation package that typically pays for flights and transfers and reimbursements for the cost of NMC registration, English exam, IOM etc. This does vary with each Trust though, so please enquire as to what the specific Trust you are interested in offers.
Do I have to pay Resource Finder to find me a job?
Candidates will never have to pay any money to Resource Finder for their recruitment and deployment to the UK.