Modern Slavery Act Statement – updated July 2024
Modern Slavery is the recruitment, movement, harbouring, and receiving of women, children or men through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or for any other purpose of exploitation.
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 was designed to seek out and eliminate crimes of human trafficking, slavery and compulsory labour. As of 29th October 2015, the Modern Slavery Act came into force.
This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement sets out how Resource Finder operates, and the steps taken to minimalise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains.
Resource Finder’s ethics on Equal Opportunities has not, and will not, tolerate any individual, group or organisation that subjects workers to Modern Slavery during their operations.
Working with the government-run organisation, the NHS, ensures that Resource Finder conforms to regulations set out in legislation directly and as such, is subject to many audits throughout the year ensuring all compliance standards are met.
The Managing Director of Resource Finder has adopted a zero-tolerance to modern slavery, human trafficking, bribery, corruption and any indirect association with such criminal acts. Resource Finder will ensure that they will only engage with those with the same values including partners by remaining transparent and accountable.
How do we source our staff and candidates?
As an Equal Opportunities Organisation, we welcome healthcare professionals and internal staff via online job searches, social media and website marketing, referrals and recruitment events. Our recruitment events are held internationally by a carefully selected team who will hold open days inviting those with an interest to come along and have an informal discussion about their expectations and plans. Healthcare professionals and staff are then welcomed to begin their registration.
As a recruitment agency, we are governed by The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) for which we are fully approved.
Our Policies on Modern Slavery including Human Trafficking. As the leading recruiter in our field, Resource Finder is committed to ensuring that our business and chain of suppliers do not tolerate Modern Slavery, forced labour or Human Trafficking in any sense.
All of our healthcare professionals are vetted accordingly with recruitment guidelines for right-to-work documentation and working closely with the Home Office when verification is required. Resource Finder is committed to ensuring compliance standards are met and maintained by auditing our suppliers and being audited by affiliated framework agreements and NHS alike.
Due Diligence
As a multi-Framework agency, our recruitment processes follow the government
procurement standards including but not limited to:
• Crown Commercial Service
• REC – Recruitment and Employment Confederation
• Health Trust Europe
• NHS Pre Employment Check Standards
As an Employment Agency, we are legally governed by the Employment Agencies Act
2003 and its subsequent amendments, and in complying with this legislation we carry out our recruitment processes in line with the prevailing acts, statutes and laws including, but not limited to:
• Working Time Regulations 1998
• Equality Act 2010
• Agency Worker Regulations 2011
• Employment Agencies Act 2003
• Data Protection Act 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)
• Employment Rights Act 1996
• The Employment Act 2008
• Employment Rights 1996
We are also members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Code of Professional Practice (REC code) and adhere to all aspects of this quality mark ensuring our practices conform to basic statutory compliance as well as higher ethical standards. We are assessed every two years to ensure we retain and can renew our membership.
Healthcare professionals are always informed of the steps taken to register. Each of those stages forms part of the legal and contractual requirements under NHS Employer Standards that Resource Finder adheres to including the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Those stages are:
• CV receipt
• Application form completed
• Formal face-to-face Interview
• Identity checks
• Right to Work check
• Employment history & reference checks
• Professional registration and qualifications checked with the GMC/NMC
• Work Health Assessment checks
• English Language Competency checks
• Safeguarding check through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
• Statutory and mandatory and clinical / core skills training checks
Whilst working in partnership with the NHS our processes are regularly audited gaining ongoing confidence in our processes and practices.
As a framework agency, Resource Finder is committed to ensuring our partners are free from ethical and labour standard abuses.
Resource Finder’s policies, procedures, governance and legal arrangements are robust, ensuring that our pre-employment and ongoing checks are applied in our standard employment procedures to ensure compliance with current legislation.
Processes in place include but are not limited to:
• Confirming identities of all employees, workers and agency staff on an ongoing basis
• Confirming the right to work for each individual
• Dedicated Complaints Department where individuals are encouraged to raise concerns
• Ongoing training for key individuals within the business
• Ongoing training updates assuring that best practice is shared and work to support the identification of modern slavery within the recruitment business
• Protection of Whistle-blowers
• Ensuring our supply chains follow our policies and processes as laid out above
• Undertaking regular audits on partners to confirm compliance
Opportunities and Safeguarding Resource Finder encourages anyone, including Colleagues, suppliers, healthcare professionals and clients to report any issue or concerns about potential unethical business practices, such as fraud, bribery, slavery or human trafficking and will work with the local authorities to ensure such concerns are investigated properly and dealt with efficiently and effectively.
Resource Finder has systems in place to:
• Identify and assess potential risk areas within our partners
• Protect whistleblowers
• Encourage and welcome ongoing audits
• Training and education for identifying risks and potential victims
• Dedicated recruitment consultants to individual healthcare professionals
This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Robert Fuller
Managing Director
Resource Finder Recruitment Ltd